All in Spoonie

sitting in your grief and defeat.

“It honestly never occurred to me that I’d go to bed sick one night and wake up ill for the rest of my life.”

It’s easy to speak from the other side of struggle, but it’s really tough to speak from the middle of it.

Being alone in a moment of struggle and feeling all of your emotions can get really heavy, all you can do sometimes is sit in your emotions, soak them in, and bathe in your vulnerability.

i spent most of my 20s and early 30s asleep.

Fatigue is my most frustrating symptom, even more so than pain! Does lethargy come on as a side effect of the medications I take? Or is it just my immune system trying really, really hard? I'm pretty positive it is the ladder. I was diagnosed at 19 and now I'm 32, that's roughly six and a half years I've spent sleeping. There are a lot of things I could have accomplished in that time.